
Swab-its Super Brush Company News, Events, Product Releases and Fun Stuff!

  • Gifts for the Small Game Hunter

    Gifts for the Small Game Hunter
    If your loved one enjoys hunting coyotes, rabbits, squirrels, woodchucks, or prairie dogs, this is the gift guide for him or her. These durable, lint-free swabs are perfect for cleaning the most critical parts of small game shooter's firearm. The foam strong enough to use countless uses and can be reused time after time. 

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  • How to Clean and Reuse Swabs

    How to Clean and Reuse Swabs
     Each swab is capable of being used again. To ensure that the swab is ready to use again, simply wash the swab with dish soap or mineral spirits. After washing, leave the swabs on a paper towel to dry. After they are dry, each swab is ready to be used again. 

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  • Bore-Whips in Action

    Bore-Whips in Action
     Bore-Whips are designed to reach 360 degrees of the bore ensuring that your firearm is thoroughly cleaned. With its easy pull-through technology and lint-free foam, it is capable of efficiently cleaning your firearm to its max performance. 

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