  • Keep Your Dryer as Clean as Your Clothes

    Keep Your Dryer as Clean as Your Clothes
    During each drying cycle, lint falls off your clothes into the dryer’s air vents. If the lint isn’t removed, the buildup can cause dryers to break and, in extreme cases, house fires. Swab-its ____ swab can reach in vital areas of a dryer’s vents and easily remove the buildup of lint. Sweep the swab on top of the air vents and then poke the swab in between each hole to collect lint. After removing the lint, the swab can easily be washed and reused with just a little bit of...

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  • Keep Your Microwave Clean and Safe

    Keep Your Microwave Clean and Safe
    A microwave can quickly change from being efficient to being a danger to the house. Lint, food, dust, dirt, and pollen can trap itself between the air vents causing air from the microwave to be trapped. If the air has no place to go it can cause your microwave to fail and, in extreme cases, cause a small fire. Swab-its has developed the 71-4513 swab so that it can easily reach between the different air vents and pick up any hazardous material. The swab can also be damped to attract...

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  • How to Clean Your Window Sill with the 71.4515.1 swab

    How to Clean Your Window Sill with the 71.4515.1 swab
    The inner corners of windows naturally build up with pollen, dirt, pet hair, and dust. Due to their narrow structures, reaching these corners can be extremely difficult to reach without the proper tools. Members of the Swab-its team had similar issues when cleaning their homes, which is why we developed the 71-4515.1 swab. The 71-4515.1 swab is designed so that it can reach narrow areas and remove build up. To collect more material, rinse the swab with water and blot the excess water. This will allow the swab to trap more...

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