  • Why Swab-its?

    Why Swab-its?
     Why Swab-its? Swab-its products are faster than traditional swabs due to their durable, lint-free build. Each swab is designed for multiple uses and can withstand the most forceful clean. All of Swab-its products are designed for multiple calibers assuring that 360 degrees are efficiently cleaned. Pick up a pack today. 

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  • Swab-its Donates to a Squad in Houston

    Swab-its Donates to a Squad in Houston
     Swab-its Donates to a Squad in Houston  September 21, 2017.  To help fight the salt and corrosion brought in by Hurricane Harvey, Swab-its is providing cleaning kits to a squad in Houston. Hurricane Harvey ranks as one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history with $180 billion in damage. It was recorded that more than 507,000 people registered for assistance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The hurricane has created salt, sand, and water to flood various areas that can affect firearms. Without proper daily maintenance, the exposure to those...

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  • The time has finally come. It’s Deer season!

    Doesn’t matter if its White tail, Mules, or Black tails.  We have to go through the same preseason rituals. We all have a list, and like Saint Nick, we need to check it twice.  Plan ahead; scout out some plots: sight in your rifle; create some room in the freezer or on the wall “You could be the new owner of 5x5”. Don’t forget about your rifle’s health though. Having a clean rifle starts at the chamber. Invest a little time and energy in your rifle’s health with Swab-its® Gun-tips®,...

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